Words On Screen can be accessed via streaming or download. If you choose to use the download player here's how to get started:
- Log in to your Out of the Ark Music online account. Once logged in, your account dashboard will appear.
- On the left-hand side, within the My Words on Screen™ Online box, click on DOWNLOAD PLAYER (make sure you click Run rather than Save). The player will now begin downloading as an .msi file.
- Once the download has completed, a Windows Installer box will appear - Accept the Terms & Conditions and click Install.
- Once the installation process has finished, a Words on Screen™ Player icon should appear on your desktop.
- Open up the Player, log in and download any songs you have purchased by clicking on the cloud icon next to each song.
There should be no need to delete your old Player as the new Player should overwrite it.
Please note: If a message pops up to say that the file could be harmful, please be assured that the files are safe – click either Yes or Allow to continue the installation process.
- Log in to your Out of the Ark Music online account. Once logged in, your account dashboard will appear.
- On the left-hand side, within the My Words on Screen™ Online box, click on DOWNLOAD PLAYER. The player will now begin downloading as a .dmg file.
- Once the download has been completed, double-click on the .dmg file in your Downloads folder.
- Drag the Words on Screen™ Player icon to the Applications folder.
- If you have an older version of the player, you may be prompted to replace it with the new player – please choose Replace.
- Open up the Player, log in and download any songs you have purchased by clicking on the cloud icon next to each song.
If your Mac is not allowing you to open the application, please adjust your settings to allow third-party applications. You can do this by opening your System Preferences, going to Security & Privacy and choosing to allow apps to be downloaded from anywhere.